* Very pleasant aromatic fougere/floral/citrus hybrid fragrance
* Great modern take on a classic fougere DNA
* Rare masculine floral fragrance
* Nice blend of herbal, floral (especially vioet),
citrus, light woody and fresh patchouli musk aromas
* Good alternative to those who find Infinite Rush White Edition too divisive
* Refreshing and lively
* Stylish bottle
* Average performer
* May throw off classic fougere lovers with the strong lavender and citrus notes
* May throw off classic fougere lovers with the strong floral notes
Bentley Infinite is a flanker in the very successful and prolific Bentley fragrance line in general and the original starter in the Bentley Infinite line in particular. It's a very pleasant modern take on an aromatic fougere, taking the classic herbal formula and adding in floral and citrus notes to come up with a unique hybrid fragrance.
This is a nice blend of herbal, floral, citrus, woody and fresh patchouli musk aromas. The florals are a strong but fresh lavender and violet. These and the herbals are brought together by a light woody note. Compared to the surprisingly divisive Bentley Infinite Rush White Edition, this is pretty much note for note the same fragrance with the exception of using gentler sweeter violet instead of more aromatic rose.
This is great for social occasions and outdoor activities. It's refreshing and lively and is a rare floral fragrance that comes across as masculine. Performance is mid, be prepared to overspray on first application and respray occasionally throughout the day. Bottle presentation is nice. Give this a try, especially if Infinite Rush White Edition wasn't to your liking. This might be different enough to appeal to you instead. Recommended.