Didn't like it much at first but when i wore it in a heat wave something magical happened and it shines sooo good in the sun i love it so damn good
Another light blue
Honestly, smells just like original light blue. Which isn't bad, but don't expect anything unique or different. There's no coconut note whatsoever, which is supposed to be the differentiator.
good but not unique
reminds me of versace pour homme
Antonio Dacosta
Summer in a bottle
If you love light blue neau intense then you will like Sun
Didn't like it much at first but when i wore it in a heat wave something magical happened and it shines sooo good in the sun i love it so damn good
Another light blue
Honestly, smells just like original light blue. Which isn't bad, but don't expect anything unique or different. There's no coconut note whatsoever, which is supposed to be the differentiator.
good but not unique
reminds me of versace pour homme
Antonio Dacosta
Summer in a bottle
If you love light blue neau intense then you will like Sun
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